!!!###!!!title=51. How to delete the content of the selected cell using hotkeys in VTable?——VisActor/VTable FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: 29. How to delete the content of the selected cell using hotkeys in VTable?</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!

Question Title

How to delete the content of the selected cell using hotkeys in VTable?

Question Description

We have implemented the editable table business scenario using the editing capabilities provided by VTable. However, there is a requirement to delete the content of the selected cell when the delete key or backspace key is pressed on the keyboard.


Currently, VTable itself does not support this feature. You can implement it yourself by listening for keyboard events and calling the VTable interface to update cell values.
First, listen for the keydown event and call the changeCellValue interface to update cell values in the event.
See the demo for implementation logic: https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/interaction/context-menu.

    // 监听键盘事件
    document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
       if (e.key === 'Delete'||e.key === 'Backspace') {
         let selectCells = tableInstance.getSelectedCellInfos();
        if (selectCells?.length > 0) {
          // 如果选中的是范围,则删除范围内的所有单元格
        } else {
          // 否则只删除单个单元格
          tableInstance.changeCellValue(args.col, args.row, '');
    function deleteSelectRange(selectCells) {
      for (let i = 0; i < selectCells.length; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < selectCells[i].length; j++) {
          tableInstance.changeCellValue(selectCells[i][j].col, selectCells[i][j].row, '');

Code Examples

let tableInstance;
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(data => {
    const columns = [
        field: 'Order ID',
        title: 'Order ID',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Customer ID',
        title: 'Customer ID',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Product Name',
        title: 'Product Name',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Category',
        title: 'Category',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Sub-Category',
        title: 'Sub-Category',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Region',
        title: 'Region',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'City',
        title: 'City',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Order Date',
        title: 'Order Date',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Quantity',
        title: 'Quantity',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Sales',
        title: 'Sales',
        width: 'auto'
        field: 'Profit',
        title: 'Profit',
        width: 'auto'

    const option = {
      records: data,
      widthMode: 'standard',
      menu: {
        contextMenuItems: ['copy', 'paste', 'delete', '...']
    tableInstance = new VTable.ListTable(document.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID), option);
    window['tableInstance'] = tableInstance;

    // 监听键盘事件
    document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
       if (e.key === 'Delete'||e.key === 'Backspace') {
         let selectCells = tableInstance.getSelectedCellInfos();
        if (selectCells?.length > 0 ) {
          // 如果选中的是范围,则删除范围内的所有单元格
        } else {
          // 否则只删除单个单元格
          tableInstance.changeCellValue(args.col, args.row, '');

    function deleteSelectRange(selectCells) {
      for (let i = 0; i < selectCells.length; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < selectCells[i].length; j++) {
          tableInstance.changeCellValue(selectCells[i][j].col, selectCells[i][j].row, '');

Result Display

You can copy the code to the official website's code editor and test the effect directly.

Demo of deleting data: https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/interaction/context-menu
Tutorial of data update: https://visactor.io/vtable/guide/data/data_format
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